- Poster Session
Posters 5: Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility, Pelvic Pain, Urological Infection & Pediatrics
Saturday June 25, 2022
16:00 to 17:30
Room: Souris
Learning Objectives
As a result of attending this session, participants will be able to:
- Gain an understanding of current treatment advances for several benign urological conditions
- Appreciate the impact of ureteric stent insertion on antibiotic resistant organisms
- Be able to discuss novel changes to imaging studies within pediatric urology
Dr. / Dr Joshua White
Outcomes of organ‐sparing surgery for adult testicular tumors: a systematic review of the literature
Ms. / Mme Emma Cain
Hormonal stimulation therapy in men with azoospermia prior to sperm retrieval: systematic review and meta-analysis
Sydney L Sparanese
A 360 degree view of sexual health services at selected institutions across Canada: the need for the Canadian Oncology Sexual Health Initiative (COSHI)
Mr. / M. David-Dan Nguyen
Disproportional signal of sexual dysfunction reports associated with finasteride use: a pharmacovigilance analysis of VigiBase
Dr. / Dr David Chung
Insurance approval rates for collagenase clostridium histolyticum prior to discontinuation: a Canada-wide analysis
Dr. / Dr Kunal Jain
Baseline reproductive and sexual health knowledge among undergraduate university and college students
Mrs. / Mme Fatemah Hussain
Sacral neuromodulation outcomes in male patients with pelvic pain and fecal incontinence
Mr. / M. Ryan M Sanford
Establishing a cyclosporin-A program for treatment of refractory Hunner lesion-interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome: an opportunity for collaboration and continuous quality improvement
Dr. / Dr Runhan Ren
Population based study on the incidence and risks of multidrug-resistant organisms in patients with ureteric stents
Dr. / Dr Anthony-Joe Nassour
Mini-incision and plication cure hydrocele technique: A less invasive surgical variation
Dr. / Dr Jeffrey Campbell
Virtual mindfulness-based group therapy as a multidisciplinary approach to treat erectile dysfunction
Dr. / Dr Jin Kyu (Justin) Kim
Configuration and validation of the Toronto nomogram of antenatal ultrasound index generated from Bayesian Meta-regression analysis in predicting Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV)
Dr. / Dr Peter Metcalfe
Incidence and results of VCUGs from 2005-2020
Mr. / M. Adree Khondker
Moving towards quantitative grading of vesicoureteral reflux from voiding cystourethrograms
Dr. / Dr Mostafa M. Mostafa
Sacral nerve stimulators pseudo-capsule: rate of microbial colonization