Posters 10: Pediatrics

Sunday June 26, 2022 from 07:30 to 09:00

Room: Montague

MP-10.9 Passing the baton: a review of a Scottish centre’s transitional urology population

Katie Brodie

Urology Registrar
Department of Urology
NHS Tayside


Passing the baton: A review of a Scottish center’s transitional urology population

Katie Brodie1, Chelsea Chan1, Andrew Martindale 1.

1Department of Urology, NHS Tayside, Dundee, United Kingdom

Introduction: Adolescent patients with chronic urological conditions may require ongoing care into adulthood. Our transitional clinic (TC) was established to make this experience supportive and seamless. Our study aims were to define the transitional urology population in our region and identify patient and disease factors that will allow us to improve the service for young people. 

Methods: A retrospective chart review was undertaken of all adolescent urology patients from 2014–2021. Inclusion criteria were: patients who turned 16 years old before January 1, 2021 with a urological condition requiring ongoing management and/or surveillance by an adult urologist. 

Results: Seventeen patients (eight male, nine female) transitioned to adult urology and six patients had transition discussed but not instigated. Primary diagnosis was: neuropathic bladder (10), dysfunctional voiding (3), overactive bladder (3), posterior urethral valves (2), urethral stricture (2), bladder extrophy (1), cloaca (1), and urethral syringocele (1). Eight of 23 patients had concurrent bowel issues. The mean number of medications was 2.13 (range 0–11). Twelve of 23 voided urethrally, 9/23 performed intermittent catheterization via Mitrofanoff, and 2/23 had a suprapubic catheter. Sixteen of 23 patients were ambulant and 7/23 were wheelchair users. The mean age at first discussion of transition was 16.56 years and the mean age at first TC was 17.60 years. On average, 5.1 people were in the room at TC. The mean age at first adult services encounter was 18.57 years. The mean age at last pediatric intervention was 16.78 years and at first adult intervention was 19.43 years. Eleven of 23 patients had multispecialty involvement at time of transition; 6/23 patients had current involvement with psychology or psychiatry. Nine of 23 had plans to move away from home for further education. 

Conclusions: Adolescent urology patients have complex physical, psychological, and social needs to be addressed. TC should offer patients a clear management plan and reassurance that ongoing support will be present.

Presentations by Katie Brodie

© 2025 CUA 77th Annual Meeting